The kidney collecting tubules (KCT), the oldest tissue of the kidneys, are controlled from the brain stem.
Since the kidney tubules developed from intestinal tissue, they have - like the intestines - sensory, secretory, resorptive, and motoric functions.
The prime function of the kidney collecting tubules is to collect the urine produced in the kidney parenchyma. From the kidney tubules the urine flows through the renal pelvis ureter bladder, from where it is eliminated through the urethra.
A man, for example, can suffer an “existence conflict”, if he is unexpectedly transferred by his company to a far away location. The unprepared-for “move” can be perceived as a “refugee conflict” or as a conflict of feeling ‘thrown into the desert’. The same can be experienced by his wife and his children who feel alone and isolated from friends they had to leave behind. As a result of the water retention all family members will gain weight.
Abandonment conflicts are typically experienced by older people who are pushed off into nursing homes, or by small children who are put into day-care. Cancer patients undergoing, for example, a chemo treatment or an operation are often stressed because of an existence conflict (“my life is at stake”) or other conflicts of an existential nature.
A compact kidney tumor forms between the kidney collecting tubules and the calyces (the cup-shaped urine collecting area) causing water retention. Depending on the intensity and duration of the conflict, the human body can retain 5 – 10 kg (= 10 liter) of water; if both kidneys are involved up to 20 kg = 20 liters.
Urine consists 95% of water and 5% of uric substances. not only water is retained, but also uric substances, such as creatinine. Just as the retention of water is biologically significant, so is the retention of creatinine.
For this emergency situation Nature created yet another biological back-up program. Normally, creatinine, an organic nitrogen-carbon compound and a waste product of the protein metabolism, is eliminated through the urine. However, in the urgent event of an existence conflict, the organism is able to recycle retained uric substances into protein in order to prevent starvation! Put another way: in times of need our organism is able to supply itself with water as well as with proteins in order to overcome a biological crisis.
Conventional medicine (the “Old Medicine”) assumes that uremia (the rise of uric substances) is caused by “kidney insufficiency” - an inability of the kidney to eliminate the waste products of the protein metabolism. It is further believed that an “insufficiency” of both kidneys could cause kidney failure, which - without dialysis - would lead to death. Based on Biological Function” it becomes evident, however, that uremia is not really a “disease” but rather and Response of body which has the purpose of storing water and uremic substances in case water and protein are not available for a longer period of time.
It should be noted that the kidneys always eliminate a minimum of 150-250ml of urine – even with “anuria” (“no” urine production), i.e. a kidney cannot really “fail
If a kidney tumor is surgically removed, the next existence conflict relapse (or new existence conflict) impacts the opposite KCT-brain relay. The impact instantly initiates the formation of a new kidney tumor in the other kidney, because the water retention survival program has absolute priority. Orthodox medicine interprets the growth of a tumor in the other kidney as “metastasis”, imagining that the tumor cells are “swimming across” from one kidney to the other – accidentally, of course.
Oliguria, a decreased urine output, regarded by conventional medicine also as “kidney insufficiency”, is the result of at least two active kidney collecting tubule-involving both kidneys and consequently both KCT control centers in the brain stem (for the right and the left kidney)
the kidney tumor is removed with the help of tubercular bacteria, provided the patient was carrying the TB-bacteria at the time when the existence conflict took place. That is to say, that kidney tuberculosis is the natural decomposing process of a cancer in the kidney collecting tubules. In conventional medicine it is unknown that this type of cancer actually originates in the KCT (Kidney Collecting Tubules).
Until now we thought that all tumors needed to be surgically removed or poisoned with Chemo. But with tuberculosis Mother Nature created a surgical modus operandi that is much more effective than any procedure we could ever come up with.
We have to bear in mind here that every relapse of the existence/abandonment conflict interrupts the healing process, causing a chronic condition. As a result, the kidney tubules become smaller and smaller over time due to the ongoing tissue loss - a clinical picture known as “Nephrotic Syndrome”.
Typical symptoms of the tubercular healing phase are night sweats as well as albuminuria, a higher than normal output of protein through the urine. If, for some reason, the patient is unable to make up for the protein loss through a protein-rich diet or oral supplementation, the protein deficiency (hypoproteinemia) needs to be corrected through albumin infusions until the healing phase is complete. This rule applies to all old-brain controlled cancers, such as lung cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast gland cancer, etc.
An informed patient handles the night sweats much better than one who is unprepared. The latter often panics, particularly when the sweating is excessive. Night sweats are always a positive sign that the TB-bacteria are in the process of removing a tumor that is no longer needed. At the end of the healing phase, both the night sweats and albuminuria stop. If TB-bacteria were not present, the tumor encapsulates and stays in place!
It is important to mention that the uric substance parameters go back to normal with the resolution (CL) of the existence/abandonment conflict. In fact, the water that has been retained during the conflict-active phase starts being released as soon as the conflict is resolved. Depending on the degree of the water retention (which is proportional to the intensity of the conflict activity), this “urinary phase” can be excessive.
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